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Therese M. Scott, DO FCA

Board Certified in Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine and practicing traditional Osteopathy. 

Portland native Dr. Scott has an integrative and traditional Osteopathic medicine practice. She has practiced and taught in the U.S. and abroad for over 30 years. Her primary styles of Osteopathic treatment include: cranial Osteopathy, biodynamic, indirect and direct, visceral and vasular approaches.  Dr. Scott also practices homeopathy, and medical herbology and feels that these alternative healing modalities are wonderful complements to Osteopathic Medicine.



Newborn Baby Foot
Osteopath at Work

What is Osteopathy beneficial for?

  • Back pain

  • TBI (traumatic brain injury) or head injury

  • Motor vehicle injuries

  • Migraines and headaches

  • Sports injuries

  • TMJ

  • Irritable bowel syndrome

  • Workman's compensation injuries 

  • This work has a positive affect on the body, including improved circulation, relieving pain, and improving mobility. 

  • A FREE Osteopathic checkup is offered to all newborn babies up to 8 weeks of age, as Dr. Scott believes in the deep importance of proper functioning of the head, cranial nerves, and the rest of the musculoskeletal system to the baby's overall heal the development. 

  • Birth problems or prolonged labor 

  • Recurrent ear infection or colds

  • Colic or frequent spitting up

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is based on key principles:
The patient must be viewed in his/her totality of body, emotions, mind, and spirit.   The state of each component affects the others, and optimal health depends on vitality in each of these areas and balance between them. Structure and function are interrelated, and the body is a dynamic unit of function. 
Osteopathic physicians are highly trained in the physical diagnosis of routine medical problems. They also develop sensitive palpatory skills necessary to examine the entire body structure. Disturbances in these structure may produce, directly or indirectly, a wide variety of problems.

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